Alderney week 2019 so far
Alderney week preparation...
Photo 1 - Polishing the bowl that we won for our float last year .....sadly we have to give it back!
Photo 2 - One of our residents is handing back the Alderney Week cup to the head of the Alderney week committee.
Tuesday 6th August
Some of the residents went to watch the man powered flight while having a picnic lunch.
Big thank you to Mat and Bev at the Connaught kitchen.
We had an unexpected visitor too....... maybe looking for food ?
Wednesday 7th August
Today the residents went to watch The Daft Raft Race.
A lovely picnic lunch again provided by the Connaught kitchen, thank you.
We all enjoyed seeing the rafts and the fun they were all having while racing each other. Lots of laughs and it was great to catch up with old friends that were down there too.