Lifeline Service
More than 30 islanders use lifeline service
What is the Lifeline telephone service?
The Lifeline telephone system enables:

- Help to be summoned in an emergency any time of the day or night by simply pressing a button on a telephone, or on a pendant or bracelet which is worn by the user.
- Pressing the button alerts the control station at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital who can try to gauge what the issue is and reach a chosen contact if help is required.
- If no named supports can be contacted the emergency services can be summoned.
- This is arranged via Sure Ltd. to whom a line rental payment is made for the service.
- The application for the service can be made via your health or social care professional (MMH), The Connaught, GP Surgery (Island Medical Island), Age Concern, etc. or directly via Sure.
There are no age restrictions and the system is available to residents of Alderney, Guernsey and Sark.
Please DOWNLOAD PEH Lifeline Application form below:
If you selected The Connaught as your emergency contact for lifeline service there is an annual charge of £74.76 per year (about 20p per day, or just under 1.45 per week) from the 1st of January 2023 for this service provided by the Connaught.
The Connaught is a charitable organisation and due to high usage, we have to charge a nominal annual fee to contribute to the associated running costs.
This service is payable by cheque or bank transfer.
Please make cheques payable to "The Connaught" or BACS payment to The Connaught (Sort code: 60-09-20 Account number: 45240949).
Should you have any queries regarding this, please feel free to contact us on 01481 822756 or via email
DOWNLOAD Lifeline Essential Information form (For the Connaught use ONLY) below: