Occupational Therapy and Assisted Living

Referrals for a home visit to occupational therapy can be made by The Mignot Memorial Hospital, The Connaught, The Island Medical Centre, and Alderney's visiting health and social care professionals such as the Older Adult Mental Health Team (OAMHT) Community Psychiatric Nurse and the Adult Social Worker. They also receive Self-Referrals if you wish to refer yourself; you can contact the Community Referral Coordinator on 01481 725241. The aim of occupational therapy is to;
- Prevent emergency hospital admissions and re-admissions
- Support you to live at home
- Prevent avoidable harm, such as falls
- Encourage and facilitate independence in daily living activities
- To work in partnership with users and carers, the voluntary sector, other agencies, and other sections and groups to achieve the best possible service
- To assist in prevention of admission or re-admission to hospital, admission to long-term care and to enable early discharge from hospital
Once an assessment has been carried out the OT team will advise on adaptations that could be made to your home, and equipment that could be provided, to support independent living. There is a possibility that Age Concern could provide equipment, dependent upon the type of equipment required.