Face Covering and Covid-19 tests
States of Alderney: Press Release - Covid Posters 11.11.2021

With the number of positive Covid-19 cases increasing in the Bailiwick, the States of Alderney is strongly recommending the wearing of face coverings in some circumstances and is reminding Islanders about twice-weekly Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs).
As of midday on November 11th there were four known active Covid-19 infections on the Island although none are in hospital. Infections in the Bailiwick now stand at 385, a high level and a cause of concern.
The States is distributing two posters for display - one recommending when a face covering should be worn and the other about LFTs.

A face covering is recommended whenever physical distancing is not possible, where there is poor ventilation, where crowds are gathered in close proximity and when individuals need to work in close proximity with colleagues or customers.
LFTs, which are provided free of charge, should be used twice a week, before attending an event or meeting in a crowded or poorly ventilated place, and before visiting a vulnerable person such as someone living in a Care or Residential Home.
If an LFT returns a positive result, immediately call the clinical helpline (01481 220001 or 220002) to book a Covid-19 PCR test.
LFTs should also be used if you have a cold or flu-like symptoms but if symptoms persist despite a negative reading, call the clinical helpline.