Inspection Report October 2020

This report may only be quoted in its entirety and may not be quoted in part or in any abridged form for any public or statutory purpose
The Registration and Inspection unit of Health & Social Care (HSC) has a statutory responsibility to inspect private nursing and residential homes within the Bailiwick of Guernsey at least twice per year. The Registration and Inspection Officer undertakes a minimum of one announced and one unannounced inspection per year.
The inspections are undertaken in order to establish whether the care home is meeting the legal requirements i.e. The Nursing and Residential Homes (Guernsey) Law 1976 and it's associated Ordinances, together with the agreed standards.
In reading the report the following factors should be borne in mind:
- The report is only accurate for the period when the home was inspected.
- Alterations to physical facilities or care practices may subsequently have occurred in the home.
- Feedback will have been given orally to the senior person on duty at the time of the visit.
- Both the Inspector and the Registered Home Owner/Care Manager of the home to which it refers will agree the report as an accurate report.
- The report will show the compliance with the Regulations and Standards and the required actions on behalf of the provider.
Name of Establishment: Royal Connaught Care Home
Address: Le Val, Alderney, GY9 3U
Name of Registered Provider: The Royal Connaught Residential Home Limited
Name of Registered Manager: Ms Elizabeth Bowskill (RGN)
Please download full inspection report from October 2020 below: